Thursday, March 8, 2012

Eyeshadow Part 2 ... How to Create the Perfect Smoky Eye!!!

There are many ways to create a smoky eye, the most popular way is by using black powder eyeshadow all the way around the eye and then blending upward and out above the crease. Once you have mastered the art of blending this bold look, you can start using strong colours or pigments and playing around with different shapes.


The best tip anyone has given me over the years in regards to the smoky eye, is to invest in good quality brushes. But for application of this look, you will only need 2. (Stiff eyeshadow brush and fluffy brush)

  1. Using a peach of nude eyeshadow, start with a neutral wash of colour applied from the eyelash line all the way up to the brow.
  2. Now, using your lightest colour, apply it to the lid from the lash line to the fold of the eye using a stiff brush. DO NOT go any higher or you won't have space to blend out!!!
  3. Take your mid-tone, and apply it from the outer corner of the eye and up over the top of the crease toward the bridge of the nose, blending softly upward as you go.
  4. Once you have created the correct shape, take a darker gray colour and deepen the crease, again using a stiff brush.
  5. Using the same brush with the darkest tone, bring some of the colour underneath the eye, below the bottom lashes. This colour can be placed from the outer corner of the eye right to the inner corner.
  6. Next, take a softer brush with a bit of mid-tone colour on it and blend the shadow along the lower lashes downward, softening any hard edges..
  7. Using a light, shimmery shadow with a satin finish and a soft brush, add a bit of highlight to the inner corner of the eye and right underneath the brow. This will brighten, lift and open up the eye.
  8. Now, add black gel liner to the top lip using an angle brush and line the lower waterline with a black kohl pencil to deepen the look.
  9. To finish, apply a generous amount of black mascara to the top and lower lashes.

*** When blending from the crease of the eye, use very small circular motions and only use the tip of the brush, about 2-3 mm. Avoid using too much pressure.

*** If the brush is separating when you are blending shadow, you are working too aggressively and will create a patchy effect. Use the blending brush like feather tickling the face. 

A smoky eye can be done with numerous colour combinations. Always make sure to just stay within the same palette of colours. And note that a smokey eye isn't just for night time use, soften the colours and application for a beautiful daytime look.

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