Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Waxing Do's and Don'ts

Tis the season for waxing.

As we enter into the early Spring months, we all end up catching Spring and Summer fever. I begin by pulling my bike from storage, and moving my warm weather clothing from the basement to my closet area. After all how can you resist, technically we are 30 degrees above average!

But with the return of shorts, tank tops, flip flops and dare I say it, bikini's. One might begin to get overwhelmed by everything that you need to get your body ready for BIKINI SEASON.

Waxing is a great way to spend minimal time getting ready. Have you ever considered how much time a woman spends daily shaving???

First the lower legs, upper legs, then under arms. But do you stop right there?!? Some do their bikini area, brazilian, arms... The list can go on and on!

And if you are not just worried about time, what about razor burn, knicks/cuts, and just the sure expense or razors. It can get quite pricey!

So let me educate you a little bit about waxing. It's actually simplier than it seems and far more cost efficient for your budget.

Hair grows in 3 stages. Anagen, catagen and telogen. Thus, hair DOES NOT grow at the same rate and hairs are at different growth stages within the follicle. It takes approximately 4-13 weeks for hair to actually reach the skins surface.

Knowing this, do not get discouraged in your quest for hairless body parts. Instead ask your esthetician if they offer packages for people just starting out waxing. It takes approximately 3 visits before you will actually be hairless for 6-8 weeks. But well worth the wait.

Here are some do's and don't to make your waxing experience the best it can be.

DO make sure that hair is at least 1/4 of an inch.

DO exfoliate regularly to prep skin before waxing, this will help to eliminate ingrown hairs before hand.

DO NOT apply anything perfumed after waxing, for at least the remainder of the day. This can irritate the skin. Same goes for super hot shower or hot tubs.

To avoid ingrown hairs, always make sure to exfoliate the waxed areas. I prefer an exfoliator mitt that I can use in the shower daily. This is a very cost efficient way to always make sure your skin is glowing.

For the bikini area, try a men's aftershave. It will have a liquid exfoliant in it to help open the pores. Plus it will feel much more pleasant than a gritty scrup in that area.

DO NOT shave in between waxing. Again, after your first three waxes, the hair should be at the same growing pattern, thus removed perfectly for 6-8 weeks.

Waxing causes hair to come back thinner, finer and less noticeable. It's a great way to spend less time in the bathroom and more time outside!!!

So go and enjoy the weather and get a good wax !!!! Haha

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