Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tips and Tricks for Clear Skin After the Holiday Season

After all the holidays, between the drinking, diet out the window, staying up late, etc., my skin begins to ... well lets just say it sometimes looks less than appealing. So what to do when you end up getting those breakouts? Here are my top tips to get you back to lovely.

1. Make sure to wash your face twice a day. As basic as this sounds, we are all guilty of doing it. The more that you can make it part or you daily routine, the better off you will be.

2. Skin tends to go through some major changes during the Winter months. Aka, it gets drier. I cannot stress this enough, but exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate. I personally find that because the amountof sunlight is far less here in Michigan, that my skin tend to be a little bit more delicate. A liquid exfoliant, applied at night does wonders. Remember to apply 2/3 times a week, roughly everyother day, and watch your skin transform.

3. Drink plenty of water. This will help your body to naturally flushout the toxins, and help to also bring back a healthy look to your skin.

4. Change your pillowcase nightly. People try to tell me all the time that they know how they sleep. Um...okay ... Unless you have a video of you sleeping. When we have blemishes on our face, bacteria cnan get released onto your pillowcase, pr fitted sheet. Though this trink will not get rid of a blemish overnight, it will lessen how long they last, and put an end to migrating blemishes across your face.

 5. Get a clay masque. Clay masques are a great way to spot check your skin. They will help to dry the blemish up, with out over drying. And they are safe enough to leave on oner night. Apply a thing layer over blemish (you should almost beable to see the skin through it) and wah la!!! Try Bioelements Restorative Clay Masque.

6. The power of salicylic acid. This powerful ingredient is an antimicrobial. What does that mean? It is an antiseptic ingredient, fungicide and skin-sloughing ingredient. All-in-all it exfoliates pore-clogging dead skin cells, and does wonders for treating acneic skin. Looking for cleansers, toners and spot treatments with the ingredient will help to get your skin quickly back under control. Try Bioelements Acne Line. I have never seen anything work so quickly for my clients. I have had clients come in for a 60 minute facial, with horrible acne breakouts, and by the end of the facial you can actually watch them clear up. AH MAZ ING!!! I always keep this at my house in case of emergencies!!!

7. Never ever pick at a blemish. Leave it to the professionals. The amount of damage that you can do to your skin by popping one zit in phenomenal. Not only for the present time, but also later on down the road. If the pore itself ruptures, bacteria can spread deeper into the dermis and cause even more issues...eww. If this doesn't scare you enough yet, at least avoid the eye area. The skin is far to delicate. I have seen people that have applied so much pressure to a blemish, that they have given themselves black eyes. No bueno!!!

I could go on forever, but these are my key tips and tricks to get you started. Please comment and subscribe. I would love to hear any questions that you might have for me. Cheers!

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