Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hair Tinsel

Thanksgiving has just past. And I am definitly not quite ready for the hustle and bustle of the holidays. But what I am ready for is the glitz and glamour of the holidays. All the gold, silver, sparkly things that come out. Whether you adorn them on your body as clothing or makeup, the holiday season usually makes me feel quite beautiful. So watch out...I have just found the newest coolest thing to add a little cheer and holiday sparkle to my everyday attire. Hello Tinsel Hair Extensions....how cool is this. I will post pictures of how my hair looks afterward. But to say that I am excited is an understatement. Cheers.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Had such a BEA U TIFUL day !!!

First off, so exccited about my new glitter palette from NYX Makeup. Secondly,(which is actually first, but I wanted to showcase my new toy above), I had the most amazing day with my sister. She is such a rock for me, especially when it comes to calming my nerves. There is something that you can always find in someone as an endearing quality. For my sister she fortunately has many. But one particularly stuck out in my mind today. As I turned into be a ball of nerves over my looming test, and was looking over my paperwork...Sarah sat there quietly in the car and turned on classical music softly to calm me down. Then once inside the building gave me the best pep talk that I have ever heard. Isn't it funny how sometimes we quickly forget that we know what we know, and know it well. You are great at what you do, and thus will do great in there. Um...hello...how can you be nervous after that. Needless to say I passed my test. Woo Hoo!!!!

Next off to Cherry Beauty. It was my first time at Cherry, but I heard such amazing things about the place, that I was super excited just pulling up in front. Trust me...for 1 hour and too much money spent later, I was like a little kid in a candy store. Cool costume jewelry. At $1.99 trust me, I went CRAZY. It was way too much fun. Then I discovered the makeup department. NYX Makeup for under $5.00 !!! I feel like a bad advertisement for a used car dealership. Sold. Again, little kid in a candy store. So too much money later and a massive bag full of makeup, scarves, sunglasses, lashes, and jewelry later. I felt like a new woman. Best part ever. I have no shoppers remorse.

So today has not only been a good day, but more importantly a memorable one. Cannot wait to post new pictures of all my great finds. CHEERS!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Must have product for a flawless face

Okay. So one thing that I get asked often, pretty much everyday, is how to achieve that flawless face. First thing first, it always has to start with a good skin care regime. If you are not taking good care of your skin, there will be a lot of concealing involved... Ok so where to start? I am a huge face of the Aveda Skin Care lines. Good for the environment and good for you as well. I have tried many a skin care line in my day, and for the price and the results I find theirs the best. Always use a full skin care line from one company. They are all designed to work synergistically. Take note...ALWAYS Cleanse, Tone, Moisturize. No one want to look 10-15 years older than they actually are.

If you like a deep exfoliating cleanser, try the Tourmaline Charged Radiance Cleaner. It is made with bamboo, so it will still be very gentle on your skin. This product is great for the person who is looking to maintain the overall radiance of their skin. If you are clearing up acne or blemishes on your skin. Try the Outer Peace Line. It will clear up your skin without being overly drying and harsh. If you are looking to keep any discoloration, hyperpigmentation, rosacea, or adult acne at bay, the Enbrightenment line is for you. And last but not least, for aging skin, Green Science is definitly for you. It will bring back that soft supple skin that we are all looking for.

Eye creams are different as the molecular structure around your eye is different than the rest of your face. You can stray between brands here. Hands down every woman and man needs a great eye cream. The Green Science Firming Eye Cream is the best that I have seen in ages. Helps with not only the wrinkles but the puffiness that we can get around the eyes as well.

Always remember to give a new skin care line 4-8 weeks before tossing it in the trash. Blemishes mean that your skin is adjusting and at that point blemishes are a good thing. You are actually getting rid of any current impurities in your skin. Believe me or not, but it takes 3 months for a blemish to appear. So when you are noticing one on your face tomorrow, its not what you ate yesterday, or because of your current stress, but what happened 90 days ago. Yikes !!! Good health and healthy habits not only help your skin today, but will help your skin for many tomorrows.

Okay so I could continue to write, but I think I am going to give it a break for the evening. I will be posting shortly what you can do to help mask any current blemishes that you have through makeup. Any questions?Never hesitate to ask. I am always open to answer. CHEERS !!!

First one up

Hey guys. I wanted to let everyone know that I want to try something new. This is an area where I plan on keeping everyone up-to-date on the newest products in makeup and skin care, trends in fashion and makeup, etc. I hope that this will help everyone out. I have been doing makeup for the last 10+ years, recently obtained my esthetics license, and love every moment of it. There is nothing like adding a little "sparkle" to your look, and finding out how wonderful and special it makes you feel. Over the last few weeks I have had the priveledge of transforming a few women for various special events. Not only did they feel great walking out the door, but I felt wonderful knowing that I had something to do with a change in their attitude about themself. Nothing is more gratifying! So here I am...girl on a mission, to inspire and change everyones perception of themself, one beautiful face at a time. I hope that everyone enjoys. CHEERS !!!!!