Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sticking to One Skin Care Line... Why It Is Important

The skin care industry is a billion dollar industry. With new products and skin care lines imerging everyday it can be very difficult to keep up with. Here are a few tips that I suggest to all of my clients to get the most bang for there buck.

1. Be wary of skin care lines that are made for ALL skin types. Ever heard of different strokes for different folks? NOT all lines CAN be made for everyone.

Easiest way to tell if they will be right for your skin type follow these RULES:

Milky/Cream Cleansers = Dry Skin
Foam/Gel Cleansers = Combination/ Oily Skin

2. Diagnose your own skin.

Follow this simple formula to actually see what type of skin you have.

In an 8 hour work day. Say you wash your face before you go into work. Normal skin will be producing a shine in your T-Zone sometime around the 4 hour mark in your day, so Lunchtime. Anything before that means that you tend to be oily. Anything later than that means that you tend to be drier.

TIP: As much as people try to avoid a shiny face ... Remember that it is our friend. Oily skin tends to age far slower than drier skin.

3. Don't cocktail through skin care lines.

By this I mean picking a cleanser through one line, a toner through another, etc. Skin care lines effect the pH in your skin and are all designed to work together.

The more a person cocktails through different lines, the harder it is to actually diagnose one's skin. Ingredients in every single one of the products you put on your face all work synergistically together. When you cocktail through lines, you run the risk of ingredient interaction.

It can however show up as dry skin, oily skin, blemished skin, hyperpigmented skin, etc. (Talk about chasing your tail)

Always make sure you pick one skin
care line and get their cleanser, toner and moisturizer minimally."

3. Become a saavy consumer.

A good skin care line should last between 6-8 months (cleanser, toner, moisturizer) !!! (Serums 2-3 months)

With the economy the way it it, many of my clients are running to CVS and Walgreens to purchase their skin care products because they are "cheaper". Please be cautious in doing this.

In doing my own research of drugstore lines, I have gone through products 2-3 times quicker. And because of the cheaper ingredients, I had to use more product to even get a reasonably close result.

Aka products made for dry skin never actually treated the dry skin, instead they actually made it worse. This is only an example.

I cannot stress enough for people to read ingredients !!! And price it out for yourself.

Try Bioelements Great Skin In A Box for $95 (it includes a clesnser, toner, exfoliant, and moisturizer for the price and will last you minimally 6 months).

4. Protect yourself.

Not only read the ingredients, but become an informed consumer. Cosmo may tell you one thing, but realize that they are paid for their opinion.

The best thing a consumer can be is informed. Find reputable places to go to for information and listen to the source. It is your best bet, to the best possible you.


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