Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Nails Have Magical Powers ..Haha

  I know that this might sound a little crazy, but I am starting to seriously believe that my nails have magical powers. Let me explain ...

  Last year, around this time. We were having such a horribly bitter Winter. Crazy snow storms. And, too many gray days in a row.

  In an effort to will Spring to me, I decided on a Friday night to paint my nails a bright Spring green. (P.S There was no snow in the forecast for the weekend). I woke up on a Saturday to a crazy blizzard like fluke snow storm. Hhhmmmm .....

  Yesterday, I was inspired to paint my nails a bright blue. (Again, to will Spring a little bit faster to me). Once again there was no snow in the forecast. Yet, I wake up this morning to huge snow flakes falling to the ground. Hhhhmmmm ....


  So there you have it. The magical powers of my nails. Granted they do the opposite of what I really ask of them. But, for all the skiers, snowboards and sledding people in Southeast Michigan ... YOU ARE WELCOME !!!

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